Skyline HS Spring 2023 Football Fundraiser: The Lift-a-Thon Starts Today
Happy April Fool's Day!
Today Starts the Skyline HS Football Spring Fundraiser "The Lift-A-Thon". Please share to 20 or more contacts, text, phone call, email, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, My Next Door App). We are looking forward to seeing how much the team can lift and seeing everyone participate by raising money for a successful 2023 Football Season! We will also make an Instagram reel and a Facebook post which will help to make the information more readily available to share the Fundraising information. Please follow us at our social media handles to make sharing easier.
The Skyline Football Booster Club Fundraising committee will also send out a 501(3)(c) generic letterhead that you can modify and send to businesses.
The Team Goal is every player/family participating (100 Team members) $20 x 20 (people donating) = $400 x 100 team members = $40,000.00 raised.
From Head Coach Rowbotham:
Skyline Football Families:
As the season approaches our coaching staff is always looking for ways to help our students/athletes have a wonderful and safe experience. With that being said, one of the things we have wanted to add to our program is the Protective Helmet Cover (see attached picture)
It is a fantastic piece of equipment that helps to minimize the impact of head to head contact and helps to reduce the risk of concussions. It would be worn by EVERY ATHLETE during every practice session so we can help all athletes stay a bit safer as they prepare for the week's competition. The University of Utah and BYU Football teams and many top tier programs use this item and has helped keep their athletes safer during practice.
The only challenge with getting these items is the cost. To make this happen, we need people in our community (Parents, Students, Alumni, local businesses, etc.....) to support our Student/Athletes to donate to the program so we can order this wonderful ite to help with the safety of the players. Please communicate with anyone who has a connection to Skyline and the Skyline Football program and let's see if we can raise enough money to purchase these Helmet Covers, to keep our kids safe!
Thanks for all you do for the program! Have a great day!
Coach Rowbotham
The NFL has said studies indicate that when one player wears the protective helmet protective gear it results in at least a 10% reduction in severity of impact. That number increases to at least 20% if both players involved in a collision are wearing them. For high school players who aren't as big or fast, Erin and Lee Hanson, who invented the Guardian Cap a decade ago, claim the reduction has been tested up to 33%.
Heather B. Walker-Adams
Skyline Football Booster Club President
C: 661-858-4704
Email for Coach Rowbotham should be sent to