Schedule, pay your fees, apparel is here, thanks and please continue to volunteer
Travel fees ($125) are due for Varsity on Monday 8/22. Team fees ($665) for all players are due on Thursday 8/25. Please take your money directly to the school office. DO NOT give it to Coach Rowbotham or any of the other coaches. They are not supposed to handle any money from players. You or your player need to take it to the office directly.
Schedule for Week of 8/22/22 (Post Falls Week):
Monday 8/22/22 (PM) = Practice (5pm to 8pm) - Skyline HS Stadium (Remember the 15 min. Rule - Dressed & Ready)
*Bring Helmet, Girdle & Practice Jersey (Helmets), lots of water/snack, athletic shoes, cleats and wear blue on blue (navy) or black if you don't have blue.
Tuesday 8/23/22 (PM) = Practice (5pm to 8pm) - Skyline HS Stadium (Remember the 15 min. Rule - Dressed & Ready)
*Bring Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Girdle, Practice Jersey & Practice Pants with Knee Pads (Full Gear), lots of water/snack, athletic shoes, cleats and wear blue on blue (navy) or black if you don't have blue.
Wed. 8/24/22 (PM) = Practice (5pm to 8pm) - Skyline HS Stadium (Remember the 15 min. Rule - Dressed & Ready)
*Bring Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Girdle, Practice Jersey & Practice Pants with Knee Pads (Full Gear), lots of water/snack, athletic shoes, cleats and wear blue on blue (navy) or black if you don't have blue.
Thursday 8/25/22 (PM) = Rest & Recovery Day for Frosh Team (BYE Week)
Thursday 8/25/22 (PM) = Travel Day (Varsity) - See Travel Outline for Details (Will be sent in a separate email)
*Pack all gear - double and triple check gear. / Wear Player Pack clothes for the trip: Black shorts, Gray shirt, Blue warm up pants and jacket. Bring water, snacks, etc....
Friday 8/26/22 (PM) = Rest & Recovery Day for Frosh Team (BYE Week)
Friday 8/26/22 (PM) = Skyline vs. Post Falls - At Middleton HS, ID (Kickoff = 2pm) / See Travel Outline for Details (Will be sent in a separate email)
Saturday 8/27/22 (AM) = NO FILM on SATURDAY - we will do film on Monday 8/29/22 prior to practice starting
*This is a great Saturday to go and support your SKYLINE FOOTBALL - YOUTH TEAM!!! (Remember to Wear Skyline Gear)
The apparel ordered from the Team Store in June is here. Becky Bowen will be at the end of practice 8pm in the parking lot (red suburban) to hand out the rest of the apparel. If you are unable to pick it up, you will need to make arrangements with Becky or Britania to get it.
Thanks to all our volunteers for last week's Team Dinner (Hamburgers) and gatorades and snack for the JV and Frosh games. The links to our current volunteer needs can be found at the bottom of this email. Please signup! We need lots of hands to get everything done!
Karianne Prince
Skyline Football Booster Club President
Email for Coach Rowbotham should be sent to