Fwd: New Announcement From Skyline High School

Information from Skyline High School about Register My Athlete. This process must be completed before the season starts officially at the end of July. Your athlete must receive a physical exam and turn it in with the other paperwork.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Karianne Prince <karianne.prince@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 7:02 PM
Subject: New Announcement From Skyline High School
To: Skyline Football Booster Club <skylinefootball801@gmail.com>

Skyline High School
Skyline High School

A new announcement has been sent to you from Skyline High School

This announcement is for all grades and applies to all sports..

ATTENTION: FALL 2022-2023 SPORTS ATHLETES (including Cross Country, Boy's Golf, Football, Girl's Soccer, Girl's Tennis, Volleyball, and Cheer)

Try-outs are almost here!

All athletes and their parents MUST complete the 2022-2023 registermyathlete.com (RMA) profile to be eligible for try-outs.


Each athlete must have a physical exam every school year and that physical exam form is valid for ONE YEAR. Check the expiration date next to PHYSICAL EXAM FORM A on your RMA page. Also, be aware that each athlete must submit ALL 3 PAGES of the UHSAA Physical Exam Form.

Besides the physical exam form that must be uploaded - there are four other documents that must be read, electronically agreed upon and e-signed. These forms are the Granite School District (GSD) Acknowledgement of Risk form, the GSD Consent for Emergency Care form, Waiver of Health Insurance, and Bullying and Hazing Form. If you have difficulty uploading your documents please contact Shaunda Trimmer (strimmer@graniteschools.org) or Sam White (sdwhite@graniteschools.org) at Skyline for assistance.

Athletes who have transferred into Skyline from another high school must complete the TRANSFER OF ELIGIBILITY process before their season begins. That may take some time so please start now!

Also, to be eligible to compete you must have at least a 2.0 GPA and no more than one F from the recently concluded 4th term school year. Grades will be checked again at the end of the 1st term.
Click here to login Unsubscribe This email was sent by Skyline High School via Register My Athlete

Karianne Prince 
Skyline Football Booster Club President

Email for Coach Rowbotham should be sent to rowjohn33@gmail.com

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